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(LITTLE ROCK) – Former Canadian Fingerstyle Champion and acoustic guitarist, Justin St-Pierre, has just released his video cover single, “Fell on Black Days – Soundgarden Cover”. The video features Justin’s impeccable guitar skills and haunting vocals that pay homage to the band’s late singer, Chris Cornell, who ended his life this past May. St-Pierre, a notable guitar composer who rarely sings publicly, pays tribute to the rock legend because of a personal connection he felt to Chris and his public acknowledgement of battling depression. The poignant video can be seen here.

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Justin had this to say about the video: “Chris Cornell and this particular song reminds me of a time in 2014 when was battling depression. I was performing my first concert at the World Guitar Festival (FGMAT) in Quebec. However, the introduction to those thoughts came when I was 15 years old and a wave of suicide hit my community. More than a dozen people took their lives over a 4 year span - an enormous amount considering that our small town only had 35,000 people. But over the course of time, I made amends with myself and closed that door. The death of Chris Cornell cracked that door open and served as a reminder of who I am and where I’ve been. This song is not only a tribute to Chris, but also serves as part of my healing. It is also dedicated to the masses who suffer from depression on a daily basis.”

Fans and new listeners alike will experience Justin’s rich, sultry voice that sets the tone for what is sure to be an emotional experience. Guitar enthusiast will appreciate his trademark sound which is accomplished through his outstanding fingerstyle techniques coupled with emotionally subtle and complex music. Like his previous works including his most recent album, “L'Insulaire”, St-Pierre delivers what is best described as “hypnotic melodies with powerful emotional and passionate imagery.”

“Fell on Black Days – Soundgarden Cover” is a prelude to what one can expect from St-Pierre in his upcoming EP to be released in 2018 from his record label, FRETMONKEY RECORDS. The single is now available on BandCamp and is available everywhere on all digital platforms.

To stay current on all things Justin St-Pierre, be sure to follow him on Facebook, Instagram, and his official site.

Justin St-Pierre - “Fell On Black Days (Cover – SoundGarden)” video URL:

“Fell on Black Days” video embed:

<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>





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